Friday, July 5, 2013

7/4/13 Fourth of July

Thursday July 4, 2013.  Independence Day.

Evening sounds:  fireworks, some probably legal.

A new Gallup survey finds that despite a high 85% of Americans saying they are "extremely" or "very" proud to be an American, 71% say the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed in today's United States, while 27% say they would be pleased.

My view:  "The signers would be disappointed" and "Things went wrong" are not the same thing.  Some would be disappointed because slavery has been written out of the Constitution.  Some because women have the vote.

Others for reasons I'd be more sympathetic to.  The size of permanent military forces, for example.

***From Twitter:
Simon Bisson ‏@sbisson
We are actually living in a computer simulation in the far future, made up of NSA records and Google Streetview images.

Pinboard ‏@Pinboard
Canada is a chilling reminder of what would have happened if there had been no Declaration of Independence
Retweeted by Tim Maly

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