Thursday, June 11, 2015

Saturday May 29, 2015  Thnidu:  "Let's take a train to Bermuda"?

 Gonna need quite a tunnel for that.

[I was thinking of a bridge.]

Let's Get Away From It All
 And thanks for prompting me to look up the lyrics. I've had bits of this floating around inside my cerebrum for, probably, well over half a  century.)

***Thnidu: "Wednesday May 6, 2015 NYTimes opinion piece on Catholicism had 666 online comments when I looked at it."
When I lived in Massachusetts, my phone number was, no [organic fertilizer], 508 877-6666. My kosher butcher said, "One of my other customers also has a phone number ending in 6666. I'll bet when you moved in, somebody at the phone company looked at your last name and said 'That looks Jewish.  Maybe _they_ won't scream and rant about "6666".'"
For a while I had a real pain-in-the-[rear] caller, a teenage-sounding boy  who would call up and ask "Is Satan there?" Eventually I called the phone company, who set up a trace... but then they said they couldn't get the  number from it because he was calling from a different area. WTF? The  _phone company_ can't trace past their own boundaries? They just  gave me the usual advice, "Don't say anything, just hang up."
Well, for a few more weeks I kept taking it, but it bugged me more and more. (Bugs... six legs... 666... sick, sick, sick...) Finally one time  this dick called, I'd had enough. Unpremeditated, I dropped to a low,  growly, evil voice ( I did <i>lots</i> of voice-acting reading <i>Lord  of the Rings</i> to my kids and playing D&D with them) and answered
Then I hung up the phone.
 And I never heard from the sonofabitch again.

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