Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wednesday June 26, 2013  Learned from National Public Radio that the Defense Of Marriage Act had been partly invalidated.  Same-sex married couples in states which recognize their marriages can now get various Federal benefits.

In 1996, some liberals in Congress voted for DOMA.  And a liberal President signed it into law.

There are science fiction stories in which immortal politicians rule the world.  (Or the United States, the rest of the world being unimportant.)  I find this implausible; it's hard enough for politicians to keep up with twenty years of social change.  Sometimes it's hard to keep up with less than a year of social change.

If Alexander the Great had been immortal, how long could he have held onto power? 

***My knees loosened up.  I don't know what I've done right.

***Produce distribution at Waite House, preceded by a presentation on legal remedies for housing discrimination.  Including -"If the apartment is for rent when you call, but when you arrive the landlord doesn't like the color of your skin..."-

I remembered reading that some time ago a linguist (Raven McDonald?) found out he was more likely to be told a place was available if he showed up in person rather than calling.  He was a white man with a Southern accent, and the landlords assumed anyone with such an accent was Black.

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